Monday, August 3, 2020

July 27

John has found his bank card - in the pocket of his shorts that have been returned to his cupboard, washed and neatly ironed.  The card is in a rather sad state but, ever optimistic, John wraps a piece of masking tape round it and says he is sure it will still work.

Off he goes shopping, leaving me to various Zoom meetings before the resumption of online school tomorrow.  When he returns, it is with the news that the card does still work, although some cashiers were rather hesitant to accept it.

Late morning, a man arrives wearing a white lab coat.
'There's someone here,' calls Sian. 'I think he's a scientist.'
She then notices that he is wearing socks with sandals and calls out: 'A German scientist.'

It turns out the man is neither German nor a scientist.  He wears this protective coat to shield him from the coronavirus.  Apparently, he also has a sort of gas mask that he wears in his car.  There is no accounting for the socks with sandals.

He is a friend of John's from the stamp club who has come to look for a few stamps and magazines.  Much to my horror, last year John offered to look after the stamp club's 'library', without realising how many books and magazines they owned.  It is all currently in boxes on our back veranda, blocking the flow of good energy through the house.

Ellie has now decided to go retro as well and has asked that for her birthday next year, we buy her a landline.

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