Sunday, August 16, 2020

August 4


It is time to buy Sian new riding boots.  She has been wearing the same boots for the last five years and they are literally falling apart at the seams.  However, where does one buy riding boots in Bulawayo during lockdown?

This is where the Bulawayo grapevine comes in useful.  Sian's riding instructor gives us the name and number of someone who sells riding gear.  We message her, but she doesn't have anything.  However, she gives us the number of someone else who does have a pair of size six boots.  We go to her house on the way to the stables.  The boots are second hand but in good condition so we buy them.

So many people are selling things from home and either undercutting shop prices or providing things not available in them.    Every day I get whatsapp messages about everything from cheese and eggs to trousers and second hand jerseys. It can be overwhelming but at times like this the network does come in useful.

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