Monday, August 17, 2020

August 7


My dad has been extremely grumpy.  Extremely.  Because of the lockdown and the virus, he doesn't go out as much as he used to and I think it is having an adverse psychological effect on him.  After my lesson this morning, I offer to take him out for a cup of coffee.  Sian and Ellie are keen to come as well so we all set for the cafe.

Once we are there though, Dad's initial bloom of happiness appears to fade.  

'Why are we here?'

'We've come out for a cup of coffee.'

'Who goes out for a cup of coffee?'

'We do.'


Sian gives me a look that says 'don't respond.'

My dad suffers from depression.  It has worsened considerably in the last ten years, but even looking back on my childhood, I now see signs of it.  We just didn't recognise it as depression then and assumed without thinking that it was part of his personality.

It is hard dealing with him when he is in one of these moods. Depression is often under-estimated. People think of it as something one can snap out of.  You just have to jolly yourself along and you'll be OK.  But real depression is a real problem and sufferers spend years of their lives fighting it.

It's hard on those who have to live with people who suffer from depression. It's very, very difficult indeed and I honestly think there should be support groups for families as there are support groups for people related to alcoholics.

Anyway, it's amazing what a bowl of ice cream and chocolate sauce can do and we all leave the cafe in a better mood.

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