Friday, January 17, 2020

January 8

Someone comes to cut the grass at the back of the house.  It has grown very wild here despite the lack of rain.  This lady has horses and is struggling to find food for them due to the lack of rain. Unfortunately, the grass cutting machine that she brings, does not work so her workers have to cut the grass by hand.  They cut as much as they can put in the back of her truck.  I am glad the grass went somewhere and has helped someone.  We still need someone to come and do lots more cutting though but now I think I will feel it is such a waste if the grass doesn’t go to feed animals.

The woman in the cottage now says she doesn’t know how she will pay us the remainder of the money she owes – she has paid us half – as she did not know we don’t have credit card facilities.  She was sent all the information about payment when she booked.  We suggest she asks her friends if they have any suggestions.

In the afternoon, all the sockets in the house stop working, but the lights are fine.  Everything works in the cottages so I am not sure what is going on. 

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