Wednesday, January 15, 2020

January 3

We get a booking for the end of January for four people for three nights.  It is amazing how much better receiving the notification can make you feel.  A couple of years ago, I used to spend about fifteen minutes twice a day saying affirmations: ‘Both cottages are full.  Both cottages are full.’ It was quite interesting to see what happened.  On one occasion, a man who had stayed here more than ten years ago turned up with two American women.  He was passing through Bulawayo on his way to South Africa and just thought he would stop by and see if the cottages were still being used as B&B accommodation.  I think I need to start those affirmations again.

Sian and I scrub the kitchen.  I mean, we really scrub it.  We spray every surface with a mixture of lavender and citronella which flies apparently hate.  We cannot get rid of the flies.

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