Tuesday, January 21, 2020

January 15

The electricity meters are still blank.

We have a booking for the end of February.  We receive a message from the guest:

‘Are the activities and the entertainment still available?’

We are completely stumped.  Apart from having a swim in the pool and bird-watching, we are not sure what activities are being referred to. Perhaps Ellie could play them a tune on her violin or Rolo could chase them round the garden? As for the entertainment, I can’t imagine John and I doing a song and dance routine, but there you go, anything is possible.

It is an overcast day, but it is sticky and humid.  The amount of people dressed for an Icelandic winter is incredible.  Leather jackets, knee-high boots, scarves and beanies.  It's about 27C. I do find it extreme. The funny thing is that they don't actually wear anything different when it is genuinely cold.

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