Wednesday, January 29, 2020

January 24

Today we are expecting visitors who booked a few weeks ago.  We send them a message to confirm that they are coming and ask what time we can expect them.  The answer is between five and six o'clock so we go off to watch Sian play waterpolo in the afternoon.

We have only just got there when the phone rings.  It is our guests.  They are waiting outside the gate. John goes back home to let them in and comes back with the story that two of the four guests have had their flight from Joburg cancelled and won't be arriving until tomorrow.  The two at the gate have just arrived from Gweru where they work for the Red Cross.  They hired a driver to drive them down and then take all four of them back on Sunday and agreed on a fee of US$90.  However, the driver now claims that he thought they were driving back that night.  Some heated negotiations take place and finally he agrees to come and fetch them all on Sunday. However, I think they have had to pay him extra.

At about six in the evening, I go down to the cottage to introduce myself and find no one there.  I go round the back and rather hesitantly peer through the window, but it seems deserted. About twenty minutes later, I notice that the light is on, yet I have not seen anyone return.  Perhaps they have been there the whole time and saw me looking gormlessly through the window.  No wonder they did not come out.

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