Friday, January 17, 2020

January 7

More messages of fear to start the New Year:

When you write the date this year, make sure you write the year as 2020, not just 20 otherwise people can add their own figures to it.  The question is why? How this would be helpful to a criminal is not clear.  Most things these days are printed so would it be that easy to change the date on a receipt or invoice?

Another more strange message:

Hello beloved saints.  I'm sure that you know that the New International Version of the Bible was published by Zondervan but is now OWNED by Harper Collins who also publish the Satanic Bible and The Joy of Gay Sex.

On and on the message goes about how certain words, including Jehovah, Calvary and Holy Ghost have been removed from the Bible as well as various verses.  It ends with the dire warning that 'Rapture will take place any time from now.  Everything hindering the Rapture has been removed. Please be prepared, there is no more time. Whatsapp this message to at least 10 people. Do not ignore.'

Where do people find the time to write this rubbish and why do people believe it?  

Rain has built up for a second day, but nothing has happened.

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