Tuesday, January 7, 2020

December 31

We spend New Year's Eve at a friend's house.  There is a small group of us and it is a very pleasant evening.  Sian doesn't come with us as she doesn't want to be with 'old people' and spends the night with her friend instead.

In the morning I had been very grumpy because of having to pay a huge amount of money to get the parcels my sister sent. On Facebook, a couple of people responded to my post of complaint by saying: 'Well, even if you bring in a car you have to pay duty.'  Fact is, I am not bringing in a car. Of course I would expect to pay duty on a car, but not on a few presents. I was really seriously depressed by this and just thought that I cannot stay in a country where you are continually clobbered and have everything taken from you.

I want to feel like we are going into something new, but I cannot believe that Zimbabwe will change overnight. Our most immediate threat is the lack of rain which no one, even the government, can do anything about.  

However, the nice thing about spending time with friends is realising that you are all in the same boat.  


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