Wednesday, January 29, 2020

January 25

I get up early and, as I am leaving the house, I notice that the curtains in one of the cottage bedrooms are exactly as they were yesterday evening - a little open.  My Agatha Christie mind immediately wonders whether anyone actually stayed last night.  Will we go in and find them all dead on the floor? Are they trying to trick someone into believing they are staying there when, in actual fact, they are miles away?

I go to my meditation class and once again find it very therapeutic.  In some ways, meditating is easy; in other ways, it is very hard.  A great amount of self-discipline is needed.

We have a new booking and it is quite a good one - two people for six days in March.  Our bookings have picked up considerably and I put this down to things: one, that I have been physically clearing clutter and getting rid of things; two, that I have been trying harder not to pick up on the negative and just 'let go' of worry. It is easy to become negative very quickly with things spiraling out of control.

In the evening, we have our monthly film night.  This time we watch 'This Beautiful Fantastic' which everyone enjoys.

As we go to bed, I notice the lights are on in the cottage so our guests must have come home.  I still haven't met them.

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