Tuesday, January 21, 2020

January 16

As predicted, we do not get a good review from the German lady who describes us as 'a rip-off'.  We get the lowest rating that we have ever received.  However, she does not give any detail as to what was so terrible. In the whole time she was here, she did not come and complain about anything.  The only thing she messaged about was the internet which had to be renewed three times whilst she was here which I think is quite excessive. 

It is a difficult one to decide on as we offer wi-fi. However, we do ask people not to download movies or large files as we cannot afford the unlimited internet package and also it makes the system very slow. Even at hotels, guests may be limited as to what they can download.  Perhaps she is used to life in Europe where things may be very different, but I thought having friends in Zimbabwe may have given her some understanding of difficulties faced here.  I did also explain to her that I was unable to renew the internet on her second to last day as the office had closed which was not a lie.  

I feel her attitude towards us changed when she found that we do not have credit card facilities, but this had all been made clear to her before she came.  Again, I would have thought her friends may have filled her in on some of the details concerning banks and getting money. The fact that she did not try and go to the bank at all shows me that she already knew that it would be a dead end.

Apart from two days in the two weeks she was here, she had water and electricity.  When the electricity was off, it only affected the sockets, not the lights.  It was a ZESA problem so we just had to wait for them to turn up.

Overall, I think she was an unhappy person.  I think her behaviour - staying inside with the curtains closed - speaks for itself. There is more to this situation than meets the eye. Although I am annoyed by the review, I try and brush it off and hope that she feels very bad about what she ahs written.

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