Friday, January 17, 2020

January 10

I have had a terrible night’s sleep and am in a lot of pain with my back.  I ended up taking a strong pain killer late last night and am very groggy this morning.

We have a good booking for February.  Two adults and a child from Harare who are coming to watch some cricket match or other on two different weekends.  This is heartening news.

John phones ZESA who say that the fault is throughout Hillside and the electricians are ‘working on it’.  After hearing John speak to them on the phone, Elizabeth approaches me and whispers that whenever the man next door phones ZESA, they always come at once.  Elizabeth obviously lacks total confidence in our ability to be listened to.  I am not sure what she is suggesting.  Should I go next door and ask the man there to call ZESA on our behalf?  If I do so, should I tell him that they do not listen to us and only obey his command?

I consider phoning ZESA again and asking them if the electricity cable should be lying on the ground sparking in the way it is and is it OK if I go and fix it myself?  Would this get them round here any faster?

I am desperately trying to finish a short story for a competition that closes on Monday, but I cannot sit for long.  

The lady in the cottage actually goes out with her friends.  Her visa runs out on Saturday, but she is only leaving on Monday.  We advised her to go to Immigration and extend her stay.  It is generally very quick and easy, but she is afraid that she will be charged US$40 for another visa as the one she came in on was a joint Zimbabwean/Zambian visa and cannot be renewed.  In the afternoon, she pays us the outstanding amount in a grudging way.

In the late afternoon, we discover the sockets are all working again.  However, the screens on the meters are still both blank.  John and I share a look.  Have we found a way to tap into free electricity?

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