Friday, May 1, 2020

April 29

Sian and Ellie decide to bath the dogs.  We haven't any dog shampoo so they use some of those little bottles of complimentary shampoo you get in hotels and never use.  Rolo now smells of Fleur de Paris and Tallulah of Affinity.

At midday, John decides to take Sian and Ellie for a ride.  I don't understand this logic as it is quite hot so I suggest they go out later, but John insists. Mad dogs and Englishmen.

I must admit to breaking the lockdown rules by taking the dogs for a walk.  There is no way we would have survived five weeks at home without them ever going out. We would have had some sort of insurrection, a kind of Animal Farm scenario.  We would have been overthrown and Rolo and Tallulah would currently be running the house, sleeping in our beds, eating spaghetti bolognaise and watching Downton Abbey.  No, we have just had to take them out. I don't see the problem at all and people and animals do need exercise. You will interact with far more people at the shops.

Here's the strange thing.  I don't think I have ever come across so many people out walking their dogs, riding their bikes or going out for family strolls. It's quite incredible what a lockdown can do to bring everyone out of the woodwork.

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