Saturday, April 4, 2020

March 31

My life, I feel, is approaching a crisis.  I am so inundated with messages and e-mails that I am struggling to do anything else except plod through endless jokes, warnings, videos, games, discussions and general banter.  Something has got to give so I take the plunge and remove myself from a number of whatsapp groups and unsubscribe to various emails.

I have written about this before, I know, and little has changed since I did so (why did no one follow my advice?). In Zimbabwe, whatsapp groups are used for everything; it used to be that every group was flooded with 'petrol messages' so at four o'clock in the morning, my phone would ding and there would be the message: Fuel at Trek, 3rd Avenue.  Taking swipe and cash.  Short queue.'  Of course it's a short queue!  It's frigging four o'clock in the morning!  I did learn that the best thing to do is mute certain groups, an action that has partly backfired because I tend to miss out on the valuable information that actually is put on those groups while trying to dodge all the other stuff.

On the second day into the shutdown, everyone is stuck at home and bored and of course the one way to communicate is to pick up their phones and forward millions of jokes.  I spend a lot of time wading through rubbish and deleting it and I just feel that it is taking up an inordinate amount of time.  There is also something very odd about the disparity between some of the messages.  On one hand, there are all the coronavirus jokes, on the other dire warnings about certain doom.  I even get a message inviting me to a worldwide meditation to lift the world into the fifth dimension.  I didn't even know we were in the fourth. 

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