Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 5

It is Sunday - at the end of a week of Sundays - and everyone is bored.  I take Sian and Ellie out for a drive around Burnside.  They are excited, although Burnside on a Sunday during lockdown is much the same as Burnside at any other time; quiet.

When we come home, my suggestion that we wash the car falls on deaf ears.  I take the girls to see John.

'This man,' I say, 'who occasionally walks through the house, is your father. He can also be called upon during moments of extreme boredom.'

The result: John offers to do some woodwork with Sian and Ellie.  Ellie is going to make a secret compartment and Sian, a shoe rack.

In the afternoon, Sian, Ellie and I watch 'Sad Cypress', one of my favourite Poirots.

And that was Sunday.

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