Wednesday, April 1, 2020

March 25

It is a wonderful day!   The weather is just perfect and the garden is beautiful.  I sit outside again to do my meditation and it crosses my mind that we should change the name of our cottage to Zen Garden and try and attract Buddhists, meditators and the like.

At this stage, Sian and Ellie are still quite excited by the idea of home school, which is great, except that they see me as their teacher.  John has this incredible ability to cut himself off when he wants to.  All he says is that he is going to do some work and doesn't want to be disturbed for two hours. I can say this, but no one will listen. Today, it's a constant round of questions from how to spell a word to multiplication sums. 

By the afternoon, I am behind with all my work, but the girls have finished theirs and have now moved on to baking.  This is all great, except that if they continue this vein, we will run out of supplies shortly. My attempts to get them to make 'those nice plain biscuits that only use flour and water' come to nothing.  

We take the dogs for a walk and Sian tries out her animal communication skills.  Tallulah gets so excited before going out, that she bounds all over the car and can be quite a hazard.  However, today she is much better and I am impressed that Sian seems to have made some mental contact with her.  Likewise, during the walk, we try letting Tallulah off the lead for a bit and she actually comes back.  People often wonder why Rolo is not on a lead, but Tallulah is.  The reason is that she is quite aggressive when she meets other dogs, which in turn makes Rolo more aggressive.  On his own, Rolo loves other dogs.

In the evening, Sian and Ellie make supper which is sweet and sour chicken.  It really is delicious.  I could never have made such a meal when I was their age.  My mum didn't let my sisters and I into the kitchen very often.  She was very much a perfectionist and took the view that we were bound to get things wrong.  I have been quite different in my approach and have always allowed the girls to try cooking and baking from a very young age.

Long, beautiful days with supper cooked for me every night and a range of sweet treats on offer throughout the day - perfect.

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