Friday, April 3, 2020

March 30

If you are a teacher, whatever you do, don't get yourself connected to Google classroom so you can keep up to date with your pupils - it is far too much work!  I really wish I had done what many a teacher has done and just said 'do notes' or 'read'.  Instead, here I am busy for literally hours, answering queries, involved in discussions and marking work.  Not fair.

On top of that, Sian and Ellie are bombarding me with questions and my dad is wandering around with that face that says, 'Any chance of a cup of tea?'  I am certainly looking forward to the end of school on Thursday!

John has gone off to town to try and get milk and vegetables.  A man appears at the gate, looking very forlorn.  He has a speech impediment and struggles to get his words out.  He is asking for food and something to drink so I go and get him half a loaf of bread, some tomatoes and a bottle of water.  Then he asks for money to pay for his prescription so I give him some money for which he is very thankful and he says that he will come back to do some gardening for me when the shutdown is over.

When John comes back, he says that town is wonderful as there are no cars on the road and the supermarket is wonderful and empty.

Rolo keeps throwing us reproachful looks.  How can we be at home and not take him and Tallulah out for a walk?

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