Thursday, April 23, 2020

April 21

It is the second day of our two week extension of the lockdown.  Sian and Ellie are getting bored and I can't blame them.  The worst thing is that we will likely go straight from a lockdown situation into school, but both of them are looking forward to seeing friends and Sian is really longing to see 'her' horse, Hercules.

They have been very good together and there have hardly been any arguments between them at all.  When I say this to them, they look embarrassed.

'No, we don't get on well,' says Ellie.
'We are always arguing,' says Sian.

They have read a lot and become very good at roof tennis and they have also learnt how to knit.  They have planted their own vegetable seedlings, painted, tried to train the dogs (a complete failure), cleared and cleaned out their rooms, baked, cooked, played the piano and the violin and done holiday homework.

We have also played numerous board games.  Usually, after lunch we play Scrabble with my dad and in the evening we might play UNO, Cluedo, Time Flies, Skyjo or Monopoly.  

We have even come up with a couple of songs.  One is called 'Famous Five - The Musical' and the other is 'The Cluedo Rap'.

'The Cluedo Rap' goes something like this:

Doctor Black
Invited his homies to his shack (wiki, wiki, wiki. Wiki, wiki, wiki)
How did he know
He'd get a dagger in his back? (wiki, wiki, wiki.  Wiki, wiki, wiki)

Has Colonel Mus-tard
Put poison in the cus-tard? (wiki, wiki, wiki. Wiki, wiki, wiki)
Has Professor Plum
Got a dagger up his bum? (wiki, wiki, wiki.  Wiki, wiki, wiki)

Is Miss Scar-let
A bit of a uh har-lot? (wiki, wiki, wiki. Wiki, wiki, wiki)
And why is Doctor Or-chid
Lookin' pretty aw-kward? (wiki, wiki, wiki. Wiki, wiki, wiki)

We definitely have too much time on our hands.

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