Wednesday, September 2, 2020

August 31

It's cold.  Yesterday was hot, but today is REALLY cold.

In the afternoon, it rains!  What a wonderful feeling.  Sometimes, even in the rainy season, you feel it will never rain again, ever - and then it does - and there is this wonderful sense of relief and joy and the knowledge that however hard life does get, bad times don't last forever.

The other piece of wonderful news is that our water comes back on!  Even though no one in the family is allowed to wear anything only once, unless it is so dirty that it cannot be worn a second time, we have amassed a huge heap of washing.  Gradually, I work my way through it (no Man washes this time!) even though we don't have the room to hang everything and it's cold and drizzly.  The fact that is out of the washing basket and on the line is good enough news.

Late at night, I wake to the sound of thunder and lightning flashes in the window so I get up to disconnect the modem (we have lost two to lightning).  Poor Rolo hates storms and he whines and scratches at the door.  Tallulah sleeps peacefully on her bed next to him.

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