Saturday, October 19, 2019

October 16

The water is back and the electricity is on.

We get a message from the people booked next week.  They would like to extend their stay by two days.  This is good news, although I wonder why anyone would like to extend their stay in Bulawayo.

In the afternoon, I am invigilating an exam at school and happen to look up at the Honours boards on the walls of the school hall. There I see the same name as the people who have booked.  It is an unusual name for it is French.  I wonder two things: one, if the reason the people are visiting is because they have some family connection with Bulawayo and, two, why is it that when you see something unusual like a name, you often see again soon after.

When I get home, the electricity is off and stays off until 10pm.

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