Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 14

The electricity is off and the water is off.  Since the transformer blew and was repaired about a week ago, we seem to have been put on a different grid.  Either that or it's chaos reigns at ZESA. The electricity comes on again mid-morning, but just as I arrive home in the afternoon, the sound of John swearing and cursing ZESA to hell and gone alerts me to the fact that it is off again.

This is our worst nightmare.  When the municipal water is off from Monday to Wednesday, we rely on our storage tank, but this only works if there is electricity.  My stomach tightens.  We have guests arriving to stay and there is neither water nor electricity.  We have lost a lot of business because of this over the last couple of months.  We are able to run an extension lead from our inverter to the cottage and this runs a large standard lamp.  We also have numerous solar lights and a gas stove.  But people generally want to have a shower and there is always the question of the dreaded internet.

I am hoping these people are going to be really late.  Any time after 10 o'clock would be great as that is when the electricity generally comes on again.  By nine o'clock, there is no sign of them and at 9.30pm, we go to bed.  I am surprised they have not arrived as they are Chinese, who are usually quite good at being punctual and not just not arriving.

Around midnight I wake to the sound of the inverter recharging and a couple of Whatsapp messages beep through.  Neither of them is from our guests.  The bathroom light is on and I get up to switch it off. I can't help feeling thoroughly disillusioned with everyone and everything.

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