Monday, March 30, 2020

March 21

Sian goes to day one of an animal communication course.  The idea is that she can learn to talk to Rolo and see what is going on inside that brain of his.  Sian wants to work with animals when she leaves school.  She spends whatever free time she has volunteering at a horse and donkey sanctuary and has fallen in love with one horse in particular, Hercules.  When she was very young, about one and a half, we lived in a cottage on the property of some people who had two very bouncy dogs.  Sian would spend hours outside with them, being knocked over and jumped upon and she loved it.  Early every morning, she would stand by the door waiting to be let out to see her friends.  She has not changed at all.

John and I decide we should do a big shop in case there is a lockdown.  After half an hour in Pick n Pay, we have about three things in the trolley and decide we are not very good at panic buying. The thing is that we don't really buy canned stuff and we are mainly vegetarian so rely on fresh fruit and vegetables.

We give our Eastend friend a lift.  She believes the Chinese should all be rounded up, sent back to China and then have a large bomb dropped on them.  There is some anger there, I would say.

Sian comes back from her course and says it was great - not too weird.  She was a bit worried that it may have attracted a few nutcases, the kind of people who tell you what the trees are whispering about.  Apparently, her animal guide is a rabbit.

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