Saturday, March 7, 2020

March 2

We have some people arriving on Friday for a week.  They booked a while ago and have sent us numerous emails about the money situation here. I send them a long message, trying to explain our peculiar situation.  We used to use US$ which got replaced by an invented currency called 'the bond'. It is totally worthless, although the government did at one time try to convince everyone that it was on a par with the US$.  It was then made illegal for anyone to trade in the US$, then it was OK for certain businesses, like tourist operators, to charge in foreign currency, and now everyone is back to quoting in dollars, even if payment is made in bond. It's all very complicated!

We receive information from about the coronavirus. If anyone has recently been to China and they feel unwell, they should self-quarantine for two weeks. I don't find this particularly helpful. I can't imagine what we would do if we had someone stay who suddenly fell ill.  Who is expected to look after them? Can we refuse to accept visitors who have recently been to China? What about the other countries where the virus has spread to? I don't like the fuss concerning the virus purely because I feel it feeds it. Whatever you concentrate on, grows. However, at the same time, one cannot be oblivious to the threat it poses.

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