Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 10

When I come back from school, a girl comes round for an English lesson and then I fetch Ellie from school.  I then receive a message from John asking me to tidy the cottage as he forgot to do it before leaving for work and he didn't ask Elizabeth to do it. In the midst of this, I try and cook dinner and end up boiling a pan dry.

I receive a message from Econet saying: Call your loved ones with Econet Voice Care and get free medication as an added benefit. I doubt Econet see the humour in this message, that calling your family results in you needing medical assistance.

We have a very good booking or the weekend.  A 14 year old girl is coming to play in an international tennis tournament being held in Bulawayo.  She is travelling with her coach and they have booked for nine days.

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