Sunday, March 22, 2020

March 15

We are all tired after the party and glad when everyone goes home.  In the late afternoon, I am driving back home from dropping off one of Sian's friends when I see my elderly 'Eastend' friend walking along the road and so I offer her a lift home.

'Did those people find ya?  Those people who was looking for ya house the ovver day?'
'Were they English people?'
'Yeah, I fink so.  They was driving along Limerick and said they was looking for a fatched 'ouse.  I said to them, "Well, I can't fink as where you're looking for so they took out this piece of paper and I saw your name and then the penny dropped.'
'Thanks, yes, they did arrive.'
'Oh, that's good, they might still be drivin' around looking for you overwise.'

Back home, we have received a booking for next weekend from someone called Molly.  She sends a message asking if it's OK if her 18 year old son stays.  I write and say it's fine, but he has to pay.  A number of people recently have thought our charge was for the whole cottage, not per person.

We then get another message: 'We'd like to have a lil get together.'

'I have a bad feeling about this one,' says John, who has a natural mistrust of people who use the word 'lil'.  I can already see that he planning to put her off in some way.  I don't know if we should be having people to stay anyway. Aren't we putting ourselves at risk?

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