Thursday, November 28, 2019

November 24

In the afternoon, we are invited to a friend's house for tea and cake.  My friend, who is Russian, is going to the UK for part of the Christmas holiday and will be taking a parcel for my sister.  The post is generally so slow here that I cannot rely on it getting to her by Christmas.  Anyone going to the UK over Christmas will tell you how they are given parcels and Christmas cards to post.  It can be quite annoying when you are given vast amounts that take up a lot of space in your suitcase. Why the postal system is so slow, I do not know.  When I lived in the UK as a student, letters from my mum in Bulawayo would take about a week at most to arrive and, in fact, if she sent it on a Thursday, her letter would come through my letter box two days later.  

Another Russian friend is also there and she has made the most amazing cake with something like eight layers.  It is delicious.  The friend going overseas is very excited.  She has only lived here just over a year and is battling to settle into Zimbabwean life.  I must say that I would find it very difficult.  For those of us who have enjoyed better days, we can at least remember a time without all the current problems, but for somebody coming here now from a First World country, it must be hard to get used to all the things that don't work.  

I don't tell her, but I have over the years come across a number of people, mainly women, who have initially hated living in Zimbabwe, but give it a couple of years and they do eventually come to enjoy it.  Some may even come to love it.

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