Monday, November 25, 2019

November 22

The council announces 96 hour water cuts from Monday. We will be off from Monday to Wednesday and Friday to Sunday.  This is devastating news for us. The majority of our visitors stay at the weekends.  We will be fine as long as there is power, but that is certain to go off at some point over the weekend.

I am sitting in the car park at Ellie's school, waiting to pick her up.  A woman I would describe as a 'yummy mummy' gets out of an expensive looking car with her young daughter and proceeds to the school buildings.  She is on the phone and from the tone her voice, she is complaining.  Her language is terrible; she swears profusely, and very loudly, at the person on the other end of the phone, oblivious to her little girl and the rest of us in the car park.  It sounds as though she is talking to someone either at TelOne or ZOL, who are both Internet providers.  I know exactly how she feels but cannot imagine making such a scene.

It may sound a bit prudish, but I hardly ever use bad language. It has never sat right with my personality.  I do wish in many ways that I could be as forthright as this woman, though.  I think of the terrible person who phoned yesterday and completely threw me for the rest of the morning.  I wonder how many rude people TelOne and ZOL receive on a daily basis.

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