Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November 17

Another thing that irritates me is silly messages that are just forwarded on without much thought. This is the sort of thing I mean:

If someone comes to your house, claiming they are from the medical council and asking for a sample of your blood, DON'T let them in.  They are a member of Al Qaeda and their mission is to spread the HIV virus. Please forward this message to as many people as possible and SAVE LIVES! (more exclamation marks on occasion.)

I cannot understand that people believe this sort of rubbish.  I try to imagine the operations room at Al Qaeda HQ: there is a round table at which are seated a lot of bearded men with dish towels on their heads.  They are poring over a map of Zimbabwe and finally settle on Bulawayo, marking it with a drawing pin.

'Tomorrow, Hillside.  The next day, Douglasdale.  Soon we shall reign supreme.'

Really!  If anyone, never mind if they looked Al Qaederish or not, turned up asking for a sample of my blood, I would be suspicious.

Here is another of the ridiculous messages:

Pls if anyone stops U and asks if u're interested in some perfume and gives u a paper to smell, pls don't!!!!! It's a new scam!!!!  The paper is laced with drugs.  U'll pass out so they can kidnap, rob or do worse to you!!!!

For goodness sake, the text language alone is enough to make me pass out.

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