Monday, November 18, 2019

November 15

Our Internet is still down, three days after the storm.

We are planning to go to the Eastern Highlands over Christmas, but it has been difficult to find a suitable place to stay at.  Earlier in the week, I had sent a message to someone asking them if they had any vacancies and they had replied that they had.  They now message me again: 'Are you coming or can we cancel your reservation??? I take offence to the three question marks.  I didn't make a reservation and I feel like I am being treated as though I am unreliable.  Sian tells me I am taking the message too seriously.  

'Normal people don't look at punctuation the way you do,' she says.  Maybe she's right, but I think there is more to punctuation than meets the eye. Three question marks would be a clear sign that I was annoyed.

In the evening, we take part in a music quiz and come third last.  It's a good evening though and great to get out once in a while.

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