Friday, November 15, 2019

November 13

The electricity went off at 3pm yesterday and didn’t come back on at all which suggests there is a fault somewhere.  This is the problem with the rainy season.  Everything is so old and in need of repair that the slightest bit of rain means a total shutdown.

The electricity comes back on at 11.30am, but the internet is still off.  When John goes to enquire as to the problem, he is told that the whole system is down and the TelOne repair truck’s clutch is not working so they are not able to go and locate the problem. I think I am developing a nervous tic.

About lunchtime, I receive a WhatsApp message from a foreign number.  The view on my phone is limited to the first part of the sentence: ‘I would burn in hell before returning . . .’  My initial reaction is that this is from the man from Botswana who left yesterday.  What, the stamps weren’t enough?  We told you there would be no water or electricity.  What sort of an ungrateful psychopath are you? Thankfully, when I open the message, I realise it is not him.  The full sentence is: I would burn in hell before returning – why British teachers are fleeing overseas.  There is a link to an article from The Guardian.  It is from my friend, Phil, who I used to work with in Zambia.

There is more rain in the afternoon, although nowhere near the 120mls we were warned could fall today. The electricity is off again.  At nine o’clock it comes on again for four minutes.

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