Monday, February 17, 2020

January 28

We have just finished eating dinner when the two dogs shoot off towards the gate - a sure sign that someone has arrived.  There are two vehicles at the gate with some very fierce-looking men inside.  It turns out that they recently made a booking, but we did not see the message as we were eating.

The man who appears to be in charge introduces himself as a Brazilian who now lives in Edinburgh.  He is an aid worker who has been working in Mozambique and is now in Zimbabwe, trying to get food aid into one of the worst drought-hit areas in Matabeleland.  

John and I bring down an extra bed and, as we are carrying it inside, one of the men comes out and says he refuses to share a room with two other men.  He says the room is too small and appears to be claustrophobic.  The aid worker then says that this man can have the queen-sized bed.  I take an instant dislike to the second man - nothing to do with the fact that he made a fuss about the sleeping arrangements.  I just get a very bad feeling about him.

It soon becomes apparent that the aid worker thinks the price he saw on is for the whole room, not per person.  he is quite crestfallen, especially as he has driven a long way today and obviously wants to rest. We agree to discuss it tomorrow.

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